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Did you take advantage of the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period?

Live polling results:

This survey has concluded and here's how the results look based on the responses of our participants.
No, I did not make any changes during the MAOEP.
Yes, I switched to a different Medicare Advantage plan.
Yes, I switched to Original Medicare.
Polling concluded at 12:01 am, June 1, 2022.

For millions of Medicare Advantage enrollees, the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period (which started January 1 and just concluded) was a golden opportunity for a “do-over” on their MA coverage. But as our health insurance analysts recently pointed out, the MAOEP annual window isn’t as widely recognized as the fall Medicare annual enrollment period (AEP) – or Medicare open enrollment.

In this edition of our Medicare Survey, we’d like to hear whether you made coverage changes during the most recent Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. Just one question:

Did you take advantage of the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period?

Want to tell us more about your experiences with the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period? Include your thoughts in the Comments section below.

Disclaimer: Our Medicare Surveys series is a tool that allows us to "take the temperature" of our audience. The questions and the results are not intended to be scientific. Rather, we hope to use the information to get a sense of our reader's experiences with the Medicare program and their attitudes toward the program and its coverage.

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Since 2011, we've helped more than 5 million people understand their Medicare coverage.

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