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Frequently-asked questions by tag

When is the best time to enroll in Medicare? photo

When is the best time to enroll in Medicare?

March 29, 2023 – Assuming you're becoming eligible for Medicare due to age, the best time to enroll in Medicare is during a seven-month enrollment period… Read more

Is Medicare’s coverage as good as my employer-sponsored insurance? photo

Is Medicare’s coverage as good as my employer-sponsored insurance?

March 28, 2023 – If you enrolled only in Original Medicare, you would almost certainly notice gaps in coverage that you didn't have under your… Read more

Is it a good idea for couples to choose the same Medicare insurance plan? photo

Is it a good idea for couples to choose the same Medicare insurance plan?

November 16, 2022 – Q: What should couples consider when choosing Medicare plans? A: You'll normally want to choose your Medicare coverage based on individual… Read more

Does all Medicare private coverage have open enrollment periods? photo

Does all Medicare private coverage have open enrollment periods?

November 10, 2022 – For Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D, there’s an annual open enrollment period (October 15 to December 7, with enrollments… Read more

How will my costs be affected by inpatient or observation status? photo

How will my costs be affected by inpatient or observation status?

August 25, 2022 – If you aren't actually admitted to a hospital – and are classified as "under observation" – your costs could change… Read more

Is there a best time to enroll in a Medicare supplement plan? photo

Is there a best time to enroll in a Medicare supplement plan?

August 16, 2022 – The best time to enroll in a Medicare supplement plan is during your Medigap open enrollment period, a six-month window that begins on the… Read more

Will Medicare cover the cost of wheelchairs and walkers? photo

Will Medicare cover the cost of wheelchairs and walkers?

May 16, 2022 – Q: Will Medicare cover the cost of wheelchairs and walkers? A: Yes. Medicare Part B covers a portion of the cost for medically-necessary… Read more

Will my Medicare coverage follow me if I move out of the state? photo

Will my Medicare coverage follow me if I move out of the state?

July 22, 2021 – Q: Will my Medicare coverage follow me if I move out of the state? A: If you're enrolled in Original Medicare, then yes. But Medicare… Read more

Do Medicare supplement plans include prescription drug coverage? photo

Do Medicare supplement plans include prescription drug coverage?

July 8, 2021 – Modern Medigap plans do not include prescription drug benefits. Instead, Medicare offers prescription drug coverage under Part D. Medicare… Read more

What kinds of health-related services are not covered by Medicare? photo

What kinds of health-related services are not covered by Medicare?

May 31, 2020 – There are many things that Original Medicare (Parts A and B) does not cover. This includes routine care of the feet, orthopedic shoes, some… Read more